The action research project is being implemented by KWDT with support from TNI and FIAN from 2015 to 2017, with an aim of understanding the local communities’ knowledge, visions and practices regarding natural resource governance and development in light of the Tenure Guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests.
The project is identifying the impact of large scale land acquisitions on men and women, as well as identifying the existing law and policy gaps including identifying the place of the tenure guidelines in dealing with challenges of access to land and water in fishing communities. Participatory research methods are being used to ensure active participation of the people being affected.
These include focus group discussions, key informant interviews, community dialogues, house hold in-depth interviews, review of literature as well as informal discussions. Out comes of the study will help to reveal doable actions that local communities can take to challenge these large scale land acquisitions as well as building their capacity to do the same.